Newsletter - 7 March 2024
From our Principal
Dear Parents,
The Charles Schulz Philosophy
The following is the philosophy of Charles Schulz, the creator of the 'Peanuts' comic strip. You don't have to actually answer the questions. Just ponder on them.
- Name the five wealthiest people in the world.
- Name the last five Heisman trophy winners.
- Name the last five winners of the Miss America pageant.
- Name ten people who have won the Nobel or Pulitzer Prize.
- Name the last half dozen Academy Award winners for best actor and actress.
- Name the last decade's worth of World Series winners.
How did you do?
The point is, none of us remember the headliners of yesterday. These are no second rate achievers. They are the best in their fields.
But the applause dies…
Awards tarnish…
Achievements are forgotten…
Accolades and certificates are buried with their owners.
Here's another quiz.
See how you do on this one:
- List a few teachers who aided your journey through school.
- Name three friends who have helped you through a difficult time.
- Name five people who have taught you something worthwhile.
- Think of a few people who have made you feel appreciated and special.
- Think of five people you enjoy spending time with.
The lesson: The people who make a difference in your life are not the ones with the most credentials, the most money...or the most awards.
They simply are the ones who care the most.
Wishing you God’s blessings throughout the Lenten Season,
Geraldine Rostirolla
RE Matters
During Lent we are called to fast, to pray and to give.
What is fasting? Fasting is giving up. It is going without something.
How are you going to fast this Lent? What are you going to give up?
Why not give up unkind and negative words ……..
And take up using positive words that encourage others.
Why not give up being selfish ……..
And take up being kind and helpful.
Why not give up overlooking others ……..
And take up including others and making them feel welcome.
Why not give up arguing with your brothers and sisters ……..
And take up enjoying time with them.
Why not give up being slack or lazy ……..
And take up doing your best and being your best self.
Why not give up boasting and showing off ……..
And take up being quietly proud of yourself.
Why not give up unhappiness ……..
And take up enjoying the love and beauty around you.
Why not give up gossiping and talking about people ……..
And take up chatting about your adventures and dreams.
Why not give up the words ‘I’m bored!’ ……..
And be grateful for a brain, for education, and for every opportunity to learn.
Why not give up grumbling and complaining ……..
And take up be thankful for all that you have.
Why not give up worrying ……..
And take up trusting that God loves you and has a plan for you.
“Aspire not to have more, but to be more." (St Oscar Romero)
Friday 15 March School Mass (St Joseph’s Church – 9:15am)
Thursday 21 March Harmony Day – Wear Orange
Sunday 24 March Palm Sunday – Childrens Mass (St Joseph’s Church – 9:00am)
Please join us at St Joseph’s Church on Friday 15 March at 9.15am to celebrate the beginning of another great year at Emmanuel. All welcome.
Students need to wear blue day uniform. Girls to wear dresses please. We will travel to and from the church by bus.
Seating has been reserved for parents on the side of the Baptismal Font. The school office will be closed from 9.00am - 11.00am as all staff will be attending the Mass.
Parents are asked not to park in the bus bays directly in front of the church. This is a safety issue.
TAPITAS continues to be lots of fun. Students are excited to buy waterdrop tokens and parents are happy to report that their children have been doing lots of jobs at home to earn the money to buy them.
To date, students have bought lots of water drop tokens to help support a school in Samoa where the collection and storage of clean drinking water is an ongoing issue. Keep up the great work everyone. You are contributing to family life and making a difference in the lives of people you don’t even know.
Students who buy waterdrops will receive a ticket, for each dollar spent, in a special TAPITAS themed YETI water bottle. The YETI water bottle has been engraved and very kindly donated by JAFFADILLS – Unique Laser Designs & Engraving. We thank them for their clever design and support of our TAPITAS Lenten Challenge, and look forward to finding out who will win this fabulous prize.
The class that buys the most tokens will lead the school in a special dance at Assembly later in the term.
Students are encouraged to buy tickets in our WATER themed Project Compassion raffle. This is a multi-draw raffle with several AMAZING prizes. All money raised will be added to our TAPITAS total. Our Year Six leaders will be selling the tickets before school and at lunchtime each day.
Tickets are 50 cents each or three for $1.00. The raffle will be drawn in the last week of school.
A big THANK YOU to our staff who have donated the prizes, which include rubber ducks, water blasters, water toys, pool rings and lots more.
‘For All Future Generations’ is the theme of Project Compassion 2024.
It reminds us that the good that we do today will extend and impact the lives of generations to come. It invites us to make the world a better place by working together now and finding long-term solutions to global issues.
For more information, about the work of CARITAS and projects that the 2024 Project Compassion Appeal will support, check out the Caritas Australia website below:
Please pray for our students who are enrolled in the parish Sacramental Program. They will be confirmed by Bishop Michael McCarthy and receive Eucharist for the first time in June.
Please also include in your prayers the students who are preparing to be Baptised at Easter. These students, who have been participating in workshops (Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist) with Fr Andrew and their parents, will be named and receive a special blessing during a celebration at St Joseph’s Church on Tuesday 12 March.
Harmony Week celebrates Australia’s cultural diversity. It’s about inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone. Harmony Week is an opportunity to appreciate the multi-cultural nature of our society, from the oldest continuous cultures of our first Australians to the cultures of our newest arrivals from around the world, and to value the diverse contributions of all who call Australia home.
Students are invited to wear something orange (t-shirt, socks, shoelaces, ribbons) with their school uniform on Thursday 21 March.
It is not a free dress day. No donation is required for participation.
For more information about Harmony Week go to:
Harmony Week - Behind the News:
For weekly Gospel readings, reflections and meditations go to
Download this week’s parish bulletin @
For Parish News, updates and to book for weekend Masses go to the Catholic Parishes of North Mackay and Farleigh Facebook page.
Generosity is one of the best ways to show love and friendship. You share freely, not with the idea of receiving something in return. Someone showing generosity is happy to give time, money, food, or kindness to people in need. When you are generous, you put others before yourself. When you're forgiving, kind and gentle to people, you show generosity of spirit.
“For it is in giving that we receive.” (St Francis of Assisi)
Noeleen Kliese
Assistant Principal Religious Education
Curriculum Corner
Please see below the dates and times during which Year 3 and Year 5 students will be participating in NAPLAN Online:
Please Note: Year 3 WRITING remains a paper based test.
NAPLAN tests the sorts of skills that are essential for every child to progress through school and life, such as reading, writing, spelling, grammar and numeracy. It is important to remember that NAPLAN tests are not pass/fail tests. At the classroom level, it is one of a number of important tools used by teachers to measure student progress.
In preparation for NAPLAN Online, students across all year levels are engaged in technology lessons and are exposed to the knowledge and skills required for successful participation in each of the components of NAPLAN, Writing; Numeracy; Reading and Grammar.
This year a Public Demonstration Site is available and will continue to be updated so as parents can assist their children to prepare for NAPLAN Online at home. The site includes FAQ’s; Parent Information and Practice Tests. If you are interested in looking at this site please follow the link provided.
Twice a year (Terms 1 and 3) students are asked to complete a Diagnostic Reading Assessment (DRA). The purpose of this assessment is to:
- Help identify students’ skills and plan for timely instruction in reading engagement, fluency, accuracy and comprehension.
- Monitor student growth on a variety of crucial skills and strategies that successful readers utilize.
- Prepare students to be successful at meeting today’s classroom and testing expectations.
- Provide data to inform all stakeholders about the student’s reading strengths and weaknesses.
All students at Emmanuel read at least once every day. We have continued our routine of ‘read to self’ in all classrooms at the beginning of each day. As part of our “Daily 5” reading framework all classrooms aim to develop consistent routines and a common language in relation to reading development. Across the Daily 5 routines children participate in several daily reading routines in small group; with a partner; teacher conferencing and whole group focus lessons. All of this teaching is reflective of students individual reading goals and informed by the Diagnostic Reading Assessment.
We aim to have all of our student’s DRA’s completed by the end of Week 7, and look forward to updating the “Whole School DRA Data Wall”. This wall allows us to look at the reading growth and development of all of our learners. By putting faces on the data, the data becomes very real and our reaction is more responsive to ensuring all our students continue to improve. This wall creates a collective responsibility for all of our students and changes our language from “my students” within an individual class to “our students” across the whole school. The staff at Emmanuel regularly reflect on this data at Curriculum and planning meetings to ensure their teaching is responsive to where children are at in their reading learning journey.
Helpful Hints to Support Reading @ Home
Independent Reading:
Difficult Texts:
Before, During and After:
Reading Prompts:
Janine Refalo
Assistant Principal Curriculum
APA News
The Primary School Nurse Health Readiness Program will be screening (student's with consent) on Wednesday 17 April 2024. It is a Queensland Government service that offers Free Vision Screening to all children enrolled in Prep. Vision screening checks for common eye conditions which may affect your child's ability to see, learn and develop.
The following video explains the benefits of having your Prep child’s vision screened- “What is Prep Vision Screening?”
For further information contact the Primary School Nurse Health Readiness Program on 1800 687 372.
Online consent will close tomorrow FRIDAY 8 MARCH 2024
Amanda McDonald
Assistant Principal Administration
Strategic Priorities 2024
There are lots of amazing resources available on SCHOOLTV to support and empower parents to better deal with the challenges of raising happy, well and resilient young people. For short video clips, articles and fact sheets, from leading specialists and key wellbeing organisations, check out the ‘ALL TOPICS’ tab via the link below or on our school website.
Sporting News
Expression of Interest (EOI) notes were distributed earlier in the week to current Futsal players, who are interested in playing in an upcoming Futsal competition. The EOI response is due back to school (via the Sports Box in the Library) by TOMORROW – FRIDAY 8/3/24. NO LATE NOTES WILL BE ACCEPTED. Once teams have been organised, students who have been selected to play in the competition will be notified with further details.
MDSS Rugby League Trials - 8 March
The following Mackay District Sport forms are available for collection from Mrs Bottcher. Nominations are due back to the SPORTS BOX in the LIBRARY by the due date with the levy payment.
- Cap 10-19 yrs Boys and Girls GOLF TRIALS (Due Monday 11 March)
- MDSS 10-12yrs Boys and Girls HOCKEY TRIALS (Due Monday 11 March)
- MDSS 10-12 yrs Boys and Girls TENNIS TRIALS (Due Monday 11 March)
Students seeking nomination must be of a high standard and have played a reasonable amount of the sport. These trials will be highly competitive.
Lisa Bottcher
HPE Teacher
We love to hear about our Sporting and Cultural superstars, and encourage parents to email students’ success so that we can celebrate this with our school community.
This week, we congratulate the following students:
Miguel (6D) who made it into the Mackay team for Touch Football at the recent MDSS.
Luke (5G), Liam (5G), Fletcher (6K), Koby (6K), Archie (6T), Xolani (6T), Fraser (6T), Miguel (6D) who made it into the Northern Suburbs Rugby League team and will now attend the MDSS Rugby League trials.
From our Counsellor
Emmanuel Catholic Primary School is running Seasons for Growth; a group wellbeing programme in Term 2 and is now accepting referrals for this programme.
Groups will be made up of up to 7 children, a further group may occur in Term 3 depending on demand.
If you would like your child to participate in this programme, please contact your class teacher or school counsellor, Hayley Francis;
Hayley Francis
School Counsellor
Around the School
Over the past two weeks, our Year 5 and 6 students were lucky enough to attend an excursion to "Goosies" Bowls Club in North Mackay. The students were taught the skills of lawn bowls and played a game, under the mentorship of some talented lawn bowlers. This was made possible due to the generosity of a Sporting Schools grant.
Here is what the students had to say:
I loved the lawn bowls. It was so fun and exciting playing a game of bowls with my friends. The lawn bowls provided the best helpers who spent time explaining the game to us. I had so much fun! Connor
The lawn bowls was a fun out of school experience. It gave us a great opportunity to learn new skills and a new game! By the end of the session, everyone was becoming quite competitive – even the teachers! Brooklyn
I really enjoyed lawn bowls. It was such a fun way to learn a new game. I played with my mates – it was exciting as Jimmy was missed the kitty by 2cm!
We absolutely loved the opportunity to attend this bowls session. We are so appreciative of the volunteers who mentored our students and spent time teaching new skills.
Thank you to Goosies for making this happen!
Year 5/6 Teachers
This week students in Year Six have been exposed to a variety of stimulus to write a descriptive piece. We are exploring with our senses to ensure our writing is filled with descriptive vocabulary. The idea is that we create a short, sharp & shiny piece of writing! Here is what some students came up with:
The Ruins of Paris
Screams struck my ears. I gasped for air, no luck. The once breathtaking sky now invisible. I felt lifeless, yet I had to get up. Glass glistened as it rocketed across my room. I crept to my empty window. Devastation moves through me. The war had begun. Indie
A noise wakes me up, banging and gun fire spreads across Paris. A dark black haze covers the land. Tanks lay deserted; they become barriers. Jets and helicopters cover the skies and rain down missiles. I start to panic as fire engulfs everything. Screaming surrounds me! Linkin
I awoke to a piercing scream. I want to ignore it but I can’t. I gain the courage to walk outside. There I see black fog circling the Eiffel Tower. Harper
I smell smoke and fire. My ears ache, screaming and yellow echo around me. Planes hover through the dark clouds. Missiles whistle belting down the ground around me. Archie
My horror turns instantly to anxiousness and devastation after the loss of my mother. Ears ringing, my mind racing after witnessing the devastation around me. My country’s soldiers are falling and getting lost in this life-threatening war. Brooklyn
Congratulations to the students pictured below who recevied a Virtue Voucher in Week 6.
School Choir
Vacation Care
Please see the Vacation Care Plan for the Easter Holidays in the image below:
Tuckshop News
Please Note: It is imperative that volunteers DO NOT attend tuckshop if they are unwell or have anyone at home who is unwell.
Term 1 School Fees are now overdue. We would like to thank those families who have paid their account. However, if you have not paid, it would be appreciated if you could do so immediately. (This does not apply to those families who have a Direct Debit authority/payment plan in place). If you have not set up a direct debit authority with us and wish to do so, or if you are experiencing difficulties, please contact the Finance Office immediately.
Do you hold a current means tested Health Care Card? If so you may be eligible to receive a concession on your Tuition Levy. Please click on the link for the information sheet regarding Concession Card Discounts.
Prep enrolment details for 2025 are NOW required from our existing families. If you have a child due to commence Prep next year - born between July 1 2019 and June 30 2020 – you are asked to complete an ONLINE enrolment form available from the school website (link in button below) by Thursday 28 March. It is essential that we have our current families accounted for so as to determine how many positions may be offered to new families seeking enrolment. If you have any queries or concerns in regards to this process, we ask that you contact the office. ALL ENROLMENTS MUST BE COMPLETED ONLINE. Once enrolment applications have been received and processed by our Administration staff, you will be notified of an interview time around Term 3.
Hi parents/guardians!
I am Chelsea Jansen, Instrumental Strings Tutor, teaching Violin and also teach the Cello. I would love for you to consider your child learning strings at Emmanuel with me and help us grow a string community at the school. I have 10 years teaching experience at local Catholic Education schools, conducting school string ensembles, am a performer with extensive performance experience and studying at the Conservatorium of Music. I provide my students with a tailored-approach learning experience and expose students to a wide variety of music with a passion for developing their music skills whether for specific goals or purely fun and enjoyment. I offer both private and group lesson options (groups only subject to availability). For enquiries and further information, please contact me on 040 223 1740 or email As soon as an instrument is organised (I will help you with this), students can have an immediate start!