Newsletter - 01 June 2023
From our Principal
Dear Parents,
Did you ever stop to think about the fact that all material things are diminished by sharing. For example, the more people there are to share a loaf of bread the less there is for each person. On the other hand, knowledge is actually increased by sharing. Teachers and parents multiply knowledge when they share it with children. One piece of knowledge that the world could well do to share is knowledge about the Christian virtue of gentleness.
Han Suyin, the renowned Chinese writer, tells us that, “There is nothing stronger in the world than gentleness.” This is because gentleness is true strength. It is treating other people with care, respect and consideration; it is being sensitive. The Book of Proverbs tells us, “A gentle tongue is a tree of life”. It promotes life in other people, because it does not hurt or pass judgement or put-down, but offers compassion and understanding.
A quick look around our society will reveal people publicly yabbering loudly on mobiles, an unhealthy level of abusive and foul language, increasing levels of domestic violence. The antidote for these behaviours is gentleness and humility. However, no-one is humble anymore; in fact, people are falsely told that to be humble means that they don’t have self-esteem. Absolute rubbish! Being humble means you don’t force your presence upon others but that you do respect the presence of others and act in a manner that is refined, kindly and expressive of good manners.
George Washington had a number of “self rules”, the first of which stated that, “Every action done in company ought to be done with some sign of respect to those who are present’. The choice to treat ourselves and others with respect is in our hands and it is through our hands, our actions and the manner of our speaking, that we express the virtue of gentleness. St Paul in his letters to the people of Philipi encourages those people to, “Let your gentleness be known to everyone.”
Margot Prior, Professor of Psychology at Melbourne University, has pointed out that when it comes to manners and respect for others, children can’t just be told: “Parents have to be like that themselves. Manners are learned by watching what the parent does. If the behaviour isn’t passed on through parent modelling, it becomes so much harder for the child as the child grows older. Children need boundaries and they sometimes need to be told what behaviour is okay.”
Once again it is St Paul in his letters to the Christian community in Philipi, who reminds us to, “Show a gentle attitude towards everyone”. If we are gentle, we reveal the strength of our character precisely in our ability to remain calm and unruffled in very trying situations. When others observe such self-control, they admire our character; they trust us, they confide in us and are open to our suggestions. Gentle people have great influence, precisely, because they are gentle—and kind and gracious.
While gentleness may not be in vogue, in today’s world it is certainly due for a return. Perhaps, whoever said, “Today I will walk on the gentle side of the street”, has put up a choice that is well worth considering.
Wishing you every blessing for the coming week,
Geraldine Rostirolla
RE Matters
A man was exploring some caves by the sea. In one of the caves, he found a bag filled with hardened clay balls. They didn't look like much, but they intrigued the man, so he took the bag with him when he left the cave.
As he strolled along the beach, he started throwing the clay balls one at a time into the sea. He thought little of what he was doing until he dropped one of the balls and it cracked open on a rock. Inside was a beautiful, precious stone.
Excitedly and hopefully the man started breaking open the remaining clay balls - each contained a similar treasure.
He found thousands of dollars worth of jewels in the clay balls. Then it struck him. He had thrown about fifty of these clay balls out into the waves. Instead of thousands of dollars in treasure, he could have taken home tens of thousands, but he had just thrown them away.
It's like that with people. We look at someone, maybe even ourselves, and we see the external clay vessel. We may not look like much on the outside. Not everyone is beautiful or sparkling. We do not always take the time to find the treasure hidden inside by God.
There is a treasure in each and every one of us. If we take the time to get to know each other, and if we ask God to show us what He sees, then the clay begins to peel away and the brilliant gems inside begin to shine through.
Loving God, open our eyes to see your hand at work in the splendour of creation and in the beauty of human life. Help us to cherish the gifts that surround us, to share your blessings with our brothers and sisters, and to experience the joy of life in your presence. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Lord, send out your Spirit and renew the face of the earth.
Confirmation, the second of the Sacraments of Initiation, completes Baptism. Through the laying on of hands, renewal of Baptismal Promises and the Anointing with Chrism, candidates are sealed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit and called to become involved in the life and mission of the Church.
Please continue to pray for the large number of Emmanuel students who will be Confirmed by Bishop Michael McCarthy at special celebrations this evening.
National Reconciliation Week is a time to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.
The theme of Reconciliation Week this year is “Be a Voice for Generations.”
On Monday a small group of students, Mrs Penola and Ms Ah Wang joined the Mackay Reconciliation Bridge Walk.
Today the whole school will participate in our own annual Walk for Reconciliation. Be sure to check out next week’s newsletter and our school Facebook page for all the photos and highlights.
For the work of generations past, and the benefit of generations future,
act today for a more just, equitable and reconciled country for all.
Find out about National Reconciliation Week in the link below:
In our 40th Anniversary Year, Peer Support will focus on our school – our story, our history, who we are and what is important to us. Students will participate in activities that promote our Core Values (Faith, Dignity, Respect, Love, Honesty, Justice) and discover that ‘God with Us’ is at the centre of all we are and do at Emmanuel.
Peer Support is off to a great start! Groups met for the first time last Friday and everyone had fun meeting new friends and hearing about the early days of Emmanuel. Some of the things we learnt were that our school opened in 1983, our houses are named after our founders and that Holy Spirit College used to be part of Emmanuel.
Congratulations to our Year Six students who led their groups with confidence and enthusiasm. It looks like we are in for another fabulous year of Peer Support.
Tomorrow’s activities will focus on what ‘God With Us’ looks like, sounds like and feels like at Emmanuel and highlight that our words and actions affect ourselves and others. Students will practise using kind words, saying thank you and using the names of group members.
Peer Support groups will run from 8:40am – 9:10am and will be followed by a short Assembly at 9:15am. Awards will be presented in Peer Support groups and recipients will be congratulated at Assembly.
It is important that students arrive on time for school, so they don’t miss the start of Peer Support.
Please support this valuable program by discussing the content of weekly activities with your children. Be sure to ask them about what they learnt about our school and how they enjoyed working in their group.
Sr Noelene Simmons
This week we welcomed Sr Noelene back to Emmanuel. She shared the Marist story and answered questions about the history of Emmanuel and her life and mission as a religious sister with students in all year level. Sr Noelene explained how Marists look to Mary as their model and encouraged us to do the same.
Follow Christ and live as Mary did.
Sr Noelene talked about modern slavery and explained that choosing Fair Trade and Rainforest Alliance approved chocolate, coffee and tea can make a real difference to the lives of children and adults working in these industries.
We thank Sr Noelene for her continued interest in and support of the Emmanuel community and look forward to her next visit. Please remember to pray for Sr Noelene and all the sisters who played an important role in the foundation of our school. They pray for us every day.
For weekly Gospel readings, reflections and meditations go to
Download this week’s parish bulletin @
For Parish News, updates and to book for weekend Masses go to the Catholic Parishes
of North Mackay and Farleigh Facebook page.
JOIN US FOR HARVEST MASS 2023 - Experience Trinity Sunday in a new way.
This is a special outdoor Mass where we pray for a safe sugarcane harvest season in our fields and mills. The priest blesses the machinery brought down by farmers. It's a great Mass for families. Bring a plate and stay after Mass for a shared afternoon tea.
For more information please phone Laurence 0427638673
“Creative people do not see things for what they are, they see them for what they can be.” (Unknown)
Creativity is the power of imagination. It is discovering your own special talents. Dare to see things in new ways and find different ways to solve problems. With your creativity, you can bring something new into the world. Creativity helps us to be all we are called to be.
“My dear young people, the Church needs you, your enthusiasm, your creativity and the joy that is so characteristic of you.” (Pope Francis)
Noeleen Kliese
Assistant Principal Religious Education
Our 40th Anniversary Mass and Dinner were held yesterday, and our Art Exhibition and Family Picnic are on tomorrow. Be sure to check out next week’ newsletter and our Facebook page for all the photos and details of these celebrations.
Curriculum Corner
We are delighted to inform you that Emmanuel Catholic Primary School will be participating in the world-renowned ICAS competition this year.
What is ICAS?
ICAS is an online academic competition that is designed to assess students’ higher order thinking and problem-solving skills in English, Mathematics, Science, Writing, Spelling Bee and Digital Technologies. This year, students in years 5 and 6 have the opportunity, to participate in English (14 – 18 August) and Mathematics (28 Aug – 1 Sep).
Each assessment celebrates students’ accomplishments by providing opportunities for recognition and development. Every student who participates will receive a printed certificate and an online results report. Top performers will be eligible for medals.
We encourage you to consider entering your child into ICAS this year. All students must be registered by Friday 28th July, 2023.
Learn more about ICAS here. (
How to participate in ICAS
If you wish for your child to participate in ICAS this year, please:
- read about ICAS subjects and prices here: (com/products-icas)
- read the terms and conditions here:(
- go to Parent Portal to purchase tests here: (
- enter our school’s access code – TFE076
- enter your child’s details, select the tests you would like to purchase, then proceed to payment.
Please note that the ICAS tests shown for selection are at the school’s discretion.
After payment is made via the Parent Payment System, you will receive an order confirmation email, please keep this for your records.
ICAS Results and Certificates
We will notify you of the date(s) that we run ICAS at the school and when your child’s ICAS results are ready. Once we have received your child’s ICAS certificate, we will send it home with your child. The back of the certificate shows ICAS results and the login details, “TAP ID and Pin”, that you and your child need to enter the Results Portal
Janine Refalo
Assistant Principal Curriculum
APA News
The tuckshop will not be running as usual on Wednesday 14 June. This year we will be having a Sausage Sizzle. Sausages will be $2 each. Parents are asked to please order the number of sausages required using the following process:
- Prep – Year 2: Students will receive a green order slip sent home tomorrow to place an order for the Athletics Day Sausage Sizzle. Order form needs to be returned to their classroom teacher along with $2.00 per sausage no later than FRIDAY 9 JUNE.
- Year 3 - Year 6: Students will receive an orange order slip sent home tomorrow to place an order for the Athletics Day Sausage Sizzle. Order form needs to be returned to their classroom teacher no later than FRIDAY 9 JUNE. $2.00 per sausage will need to be paid on the day when students collect their sausage.
At the closure of the school day, all students are required to move immediately to the Pickup Zone. Students who are going to After School Care or walking /riding home are required to be on their way as soon as they are released from class.
The Pickup Zone is supervised by teachers. Other areas of the school are not supervised after school. Our school’s Prep Adventure Playground is out of bounds before and after school. Any play areas within the school must be supervised by staff members.
We ask parents to ensure that their children are not on this equipment before and/or after school. Our school rules must be adhered to by all students at all times. Students should not be running around or playing after school whilst waiting for parents. Parents who collect their child after school and remain on school grounds are reminded that their children are under their supervision during this time. We ask all parents to please adhere to these rules and thank you for your understanding and co-operation.
Amanda McDonald
Assistant Principal Administration
Strategic Priorities 2023
COVID Update
Sporting News
In 2023, there are a large number of sports which students will be able to nominate for and compete in. Please discuss the following list of events with your child. It will be crucial students collect and return permission notes before closing dates to ensure they do not miss out on their opportunity. Students will be notified via the morning bulletin when notes become available for collection. These notes will be available from Mr Dodson each day during lunch eating periods.
If you would like any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me on my school email:
Luke Dodson
HPE Co-Ordinator
From our Counsellor
With 40th Anniversary celebrations underway, it’s a great time to reflect on how we promote the positive values of Emmanuel students.
“Developing and deepening personal values is a crucial aspect of a young person's development, and eventually become deep commitments that guide how they think and act. Key values such as honesty, trust, forgiveness, optimism, and compassion can help them think more deeply about who they are and how they can live up to our own expectations.” (Resilient Youth, 2017)
Follow this School TV link to find a helpful list of practical ways parents can instil personal values.
Congratulations Emmanuel Catholic Primary School on 40 years of education.
Sharon Martin
School Counsellor
Around the School
Help us collect bread bags so we can earn points to redeem on new RHSports equipment. Keep your empty bread bags and send them to school with your child/ren to place them in the Wonder's pink collection box located outside the Front Office, Prep area and Library.
Please ensure all crumbs have been removed from the packet prior to placing in the collection box.
School Choir
Congratulations to the students pictured below who received a Virtue Voucher in Week 6.
Tuckshop News
With our Athletics Carnival coming up in just 2 weeks, it is time to prepare for our sausage sizzle and stall. We are asking for volunteers to help early to prepare salad items, operation of the stall and serving or cooking sausages on the barbeque. All volunteers will be able to watch their children compete in events. Please contact Angie at the tuckshop if you are able to help.
Angela McGowan & Carly Nicholas
Tuckshop Conveeners
Please Note: It is imperative that volunteers DO NOT attend tuckshop if they are unwell or have anyone at home who is unwell.
Term 2 School Fees - OVERDUE
Term 2 School Fees are now overdue. We would like to thank those families who have paid their account. However, if you have not paid, it would be appreciated if you could do so immediately. (This does not apply to those families who have a Direct Debit authority/payment plan in place). If you have not set up a direct debit authority with us and wish to do so, or if you are experiencing difficulties, please contact the Finance Office immediately.
Community News
Student travel rebate applications are only open in May for Semester 1 and October for Semester 2. Please visit to check if you are eligible.