Newsletter - 09 March 2023
From our Principal
Dear Parents,
The Charles Schulz Philosophy
The following is the philosophy of Charles Schulz, the creator of the 'Peanuts' comic strip. You don't have to actually answer the questions. Just ponder on them.
- Name the five wealthiest people in the world.
- Name the last five Heisman trophy winners.
- Name the last five winners of the Miss America pageant.
- Name ten people who have won the Nobel or Pulitzer Prize.
- Name the last half dozen Academy Award winners for best actor and actress.
- Name the last decade's worth of World Series winners.
How did you do?
The point is, none of us remember the headliners of yesterday. These are no second rate achievers. They are the best in their fields.
But the applause dies…
Awards tarnish…
Achievements are forgotten…
Accolades and certificates are buried with their owners.
Here's another quiz.
See how you do on this one:
- List a few teachers who aided your journey through school.
- Name three friends who have helped you through a difficult time.
- Name five people who have taught you something worthwhile.
- Think of a few people who have made you feel appreciated and special.
- Think of five people you enjoy spending time with.
The lesson: The people who make a difference in your life are not the ones with the most credentials, the most money...or the most awards.
They simply are the ones who care the most.
Wishing you God’s blessings throughout the Lenten Season,
Geraldine Rostirolla
RE Matters
During Lent we are called to fast, to pray and to share.
What is fasting? Fasting is giving up. It is going without something.
How are you going to fast this Lent? What are you going to give up?
Why not give up unkind and negative words ……..
And take up using positive words that encourage others.
Why not give up being selfish ……..
And take up being kind and helpful.
Why not give up overlooking others ……..
And take up including others and making them feel welcome.
Why not give up arguing with your brothers and sisters ……..
And take up enjoying time with them.
Why not give up being slack or lazy ……..
And take up doing your best and being your best self.
Why not give up boasting and showing off ……..
And take up being quietly proud of yourself.
Why not give up unhappiness ……..
And take up enjoying the love and beauty around you.
Why not give up gossiping and talking about people ……..
And take up chatting about your adventures and dreams.
Why not give up the words ‘I’m bored!’ ……..
And be grateful for a brain, for education, and for every opportunity to learn.
Why not give up grumbling and complaining ……..
And take up be thankful for all that you have.
Why not give up worrying ……..
And take up trusting that God loves you and has a plan for you.
“Aspire not to have more, but to be more." (St Oscar Romero)
Find out more about Lent @
Buy a chick, a goat, a pig, a cow or a bag of seeds and help a family you don’t even know.
Be grateful for all you have.
Our ‘FARMITAS’ campaign is off to a great start. Lots of students continue to buy FARMITAS tokens - chicks, goats, pigs, seeds and cows - and they have been added to the sacred space in their classrooms. Buying these tokens will help to provide a welcome source of food and income for needy families in different parts of the world.
Students who buy a ‘seeds’ token will also receive a seed kit to take home. As these were kindly donated we are giving them to the students. It will be fun to watch the seeds grow throughout LENT – just as we grow in love and our small contributions grow together to make a difference in the lives of those less fortunate.
The class that buys the most chick, goat, seeds and cow tokens will lead the school in a special dance at Assembly in Week Ten.
‘For All Future Generations’ is the theme of Project Compassion 2023.
It reminds us that the good that we do today will extend and impact the lives of generations to come. It invites us to make the world a better place by working together now and finding long-term solutions to global issues.
For more information, about the work of CARITAS and projects that the 2023 Project Compassion Appeal will support, check out the Caritas Australia website @
Please join us at St Joseph’s Church on Friday 24 March at 9.15am to celebrate the beginning of another great year at Emmanuel. All welcome.
Students need to wear blue day uniform. Girls to wear dresses please. We will travel to and from the church by bus.
Seating has been reserved for parents on the side of the Baptismal Font. The school office will be closed from 9.00am - 11.00am as all staff will be attending the Mass.
Parents are asked not to park in the bus bays directly in front of the church. This is a safety issue.
Harmony Week celebrates Australia’s cultural diversity. It’s about inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone. Harmony Week is an opportunity to appreciate the multi-cultural nature of our society, from the oldest continuous cultures of our first Australians to the cultures of our newest arrivals from around the world, and to value the diverse contributions of all who call Australia home.
At Emmanuel we will be celebrating Harmony Week with a number of activities.
Students are invited to wear something orange (t-shirt, socks, shoelaces, ribbons) with their school uniform on Tuesday 21 March.
It is not a free dress day. No donation is required for participation.
For more information about Harmony Week go to:
Harmony Week - Behind the News @
For weekly Gospel readings, reflections and meditations go to
Download this week’s parish bulletin @
For Parish News, updates and to book for weekend Masses go to the Catholic Parishes of North Mackay and Farleigh Facebook page.
“Generosity isn’t an act. It’s a way of life.” (Chip Ingram)
Generosity is one of the best ways to show love and friendship. You share freely, not with the idea of receiving something in return. Someone showing generosity is happy to give time, money, food, or kindness to people in need. When you are generous, you put others before yourself. When you're forgiving, kind and gentle to people, you show generosity of spirit.
“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” (Winston Churchill)
Noeleen Kliese
Assistant Principal Religious Education
Curriculum Corner
Please see below the dates and times during which Year 3 and Year 5 students will be participating in NAPLAN Online:
Please Note: Change of time to Original Timetable for Tuesday 21/03/2023 Conventions of Language Tests in Year 3 and Year 5.
NAPLAN tests the sorts of skills that are essential for every child to progress through school and life, such as reading, writing, spelling, grammar and numeracy. It is important to remember that NAPLAN tests are not pass/fail tests. At the classroom level, it is one of a number of important tools used by teachers to measure student progress.
In preparation for NAPLAN Online, students across all year levels are engaged in technology lessons and are exposed to the knowledge and skills required for successful participation in each of the components of NAPLAN, Writing; Numeracy; Reading and Grammar.
This year a Public Demonstration Site is available and will continue to be updated so as parents can assist their children to prepare for NAPLAN Online at home. The site includes FAQ’s; Parent Information and Practice Tests. If you are interested in looking at this site please follow the link provided.
Janine Refalo
Assistant Principal Curriculum
APA News
Does your child/ren play games or watch clips online? Then this community presentation is for you!
If you want to learn how to keep your child/ren safe online, about digital addiction and issues associated with the use of technology, join us to hear international speaker and author Brad Huddleston and Mackay’s Senior Sergeant Nigel Dalton at one of their community presentations in Mackay next week. They will be at St Francis Catholic Primary School on Tuesday 14 March and Emmanuel Catholic Primary School on Thursday 16 March. Both sessions begin at 6:00pm.
Please note: These presentations are not just for the parents of older students and teenagers, the information shared is relevant to all parents. If your child is online (most are), you are strongly encouraged to attend one of these sessions.
Unfortunately Brad is unable to work with our students during this visit to Mackay, but Nigel will return to Emmanuel later in the year to share cyber safety messages and reminders about online gaming.
Please spread the word to all family, friends and community members. Everyone is welcome and strongly encouraged to attend.
Over the next few weeks, flashing light school zone signs will be installed on Tolcher Street. Emmanuel Catholic Primary School has been nominated to receive these new signs as part of a Queensland Government commitment to improve school road safety.
You will notice that the new signs look similar to standard school zone signs with the addition of a red flashing ring around the speed limit as well as two flashing yellow lights at the top of the sign. The installation of flashing light school zone signs is proven to improve visibility of school zones, serving as an active reminder for motorists to slow down.
So next time you’re dropping off or picking up your child, keep an eye out for the new signs and make sure you stick to the signed speed limit.
Amanda McDonald
Assistant Principal Administration
Strategic Priorities 2023
COVID Update
Sporting News
Tomorrow three Emmanuel teams will be participating in the Primary School Gala Day at McDonald’s Mackay Multi-Sport Stadium. Parents are asked to ensure students arrive at the venue NO LATER THAN 8.45am, as the first game is set to commence at 9.00am. Good luck to all the teams competing!
In 2023, there are a large number of sports which students will be able to nominate for and compete in. Please discuss the following list of events with your child. It will be crucial students collect and return permission notes before closing dates to ensure they do not miss out on their opportunity. Students will be notified via the morning bulletin when notes become available for collection. These notes will be available from Mr Dodson each day during lunch eating periods.
Once again, this year, students are offered the opportunity to prepare and qualify for the Emmanuel Cross Country Team. Qualifying students will compete in the Northern Suburbs Cross Country competition on Tuesday 28 March. Upon completing our school trials, I will provide further information regarding Northern Suburbs to qualifying athletes. Emmanuel's trial will take place on Thursday 23 March.
Term One also offers students the opportunity to participate in a Wednesday Afternoon Touch Football competition held at the Norris Road touch football fields. The competition is an opportunity for students to play against other schools in the region alongside their peers. Games commence Wednesday 15 February and conclude Wednesday 29 March.
If you would like any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me on my school email:
Luke Dodson
HPE Co-Ordinator
From our Counsellor
Dr Michael Carr-Gregg (School TV)
“Today, this family demographic is becoming the fastest growing in the world! On average, one in five families is a ‘step’ or ‘blended’ family.”
Certainly, there are challenges faced by blended families, but there are also joys which are unique to this family dynamic. There is wisdom and learning that comes from the variety of relationships built by children who are living across several households. It is an opportunity for deeper connections, more love, and the mixing of family cultures; these interactions enrich the child’s identity. Children often say how they enjoy having two birthday’s and two Christmases! Look out for these positive aspects when facing parenting challenges.
Helpful tips around planning, communicating, and creating routines and rituals to bond, can be found in the fact sheets on School TV. In particular, ‘Help Guide: Blended Family Tips’.
Sharon Martin BVA, GDLT, MEd
School Counsellor
Around the School
If you went into Prep on Monday you'd have got a big surprise.
If you went into Prep on Monday you wouldn't have believed your eyes.
For every bear that ever there was gathered there for certain because Monday was the day they had a picnic.
On Monday we had the privilege of having Yuwibara Elder Aunty Veronica come to school to sit and yarn with some our Year 6 girls. Aunty Veronica, along with Jada’s grandmother (Mrs V), our Regional Indigenous Education Liaison Officer Samone Penola and Jada's Aunty Emily, shared with the girls the importance of Women's Business in First Nations culture.
Yarning is a conversation that flows in a positive direction - just respectfully listening and supporting the next generation.
Congratulations to the students below who received an award in Week 6.
School Choir
Tuckshop News
Please Note: It is imperative that volunteers DO NOT attend tuckshop if they are unwell or have anyone at home who is unwell.
Term 1 School Fees are now overdue. We would like to thank those families who have paid their account. However, if you have not paid, it would be appreciated if you could do so immediately. (This does not apply to those families who have a Direct Debit authority/payment plan in place). If you have not set up a direct debit authority with us and wish to do so, or if you are experiencing difficulties, please contact the Finance Office immediately.
Do you hold a current means tested Health Care Card? If so you may be eligible to receive a concession on your Tuition Levy. Please click on the link for the information sheet regarding Concession Card Discounts.
Job Opportunity: Caritas Australia Diocesan Director for Rockhampton
Caritas Australia is seeking a passionate Diocesan Director for the Rockhampton Diocese. This paid role is appointed by Caritas Australia in conjunction with the Bishop of Rockhampton and promotes the work of Caritas Australia through fundraising, advocacy and relationships with schools and parishes.
The role is flexible, working 1 day/7.6 hours per week on average across the year and involves engaging with communities across the Rockhampton Diocese, supporting Caritas Australia appeals and coordinating volunteers.
Duties include:
- Coordinating Project Compassion including the Diocesan Project Compassion Launch
- Providing a communications pathway between Caritas and the Catholic Diocese of Rockhampton parishes and schools
- General administration tasks
For more information, including a copy of the role description and overview, contact the HR Manager on 4887 3090. To apply for the position, submit your resume and cover letter to Diocesan employees are encouraged to apply.
We are wanting to fill a casual and relief position for a School Crossing Supervisor at Emmanuel Catholic Primary School.
The Casual School Crossing Supervisor will be required to work five days per week and the relief Supervisor will be called for shifts as needed, both Supervisors are required to work in all weather conditions. The hours of work for School Crossing Supervisors are 1 hour and 30 minutes a day and usually comprise of 1 hour in the morning and 30 minutes in the afternoon on alternant weeks, Commencement date (to be advised) with a Pay Rate of $30.34 per hour.
The successful applicants will be dependent on:
- The suitable outcome of a health assessment carried out by a GP of your choice according to the guidelines in the “Notes for Medical Practitioner” on the School Crossing Supervisor Scheme – Health Assessment Form; (this is paid by the Department)
- A Positive Blue Card Notice (This is also paid by the Department and means you do not need to have a blue card to apply for the position)
If you are interested in the position please collect an application form from the School administration or contact Karen Cantoni (Road Safety officer) on 49 518331.
The School Crossing Supervisors Application is to be returned to the School for the school Principal’s recommendation.
Prep enrolment details for 2024 are NOW required from our existing families. If you have a child due to commence Prep next year - born between July 1 2018 and June 30 2019 – you are asked to complete an ONLINE enrolment form available from the school website – by Friday 31 March. It is essential that we have our current families accounted for so as to determine how many positions may be offered to new families seeking enrolment. If you have any queries or concerns in regards to this process, we ask that you contact the office. ALL ENROLMENTS MUST BE COMPLETED ONLINE. Once enrolment applications have been received and processed by our Administration staff, you will be notified of an interview time around Term 3.