Newsletter - 09 February 2023
From our Principal
Dear Parents,
The members at a gathering were given a task to perform. Each was given a handful of jellybeans to eat but there was a catch; they were to keep their hand outstretched in front of them and they had to find a way to eat the sweets without bending their arms.
As the time started to tick away, most of the members tried throwing the sweets into the air in an effort to catch the beans in their mouths; but, as expected, most failed as the jellybeans hit the ground.
After a while, two individuals watching the drama unfold, had a brainwave. They moved to stand facing each other, their arms outstretched and each ate from the hand of the other.’
Once revealed, this seems a logical solution to the problem – each gets what s/he needs when they work together to achieve a common goal. We all recognise the advantages of working as part of a team; the old saying, ‘A champion team will always beat a team of champions,’ has been proven many times over. And, of course, there is no secret to the reason for this, the difference lying in the mindset and motivation brought to the endeavour. ‘Am I in it for me’ Or, ‘Am I in it for us and what we can accomplish together?’ The strange thing is, when we unite behind a common goal and direct our energies and attention towards the achievement of that goal through mutual support and care, aspirations of the individuals are also achieved. Cooperation rather than competition within teams contributes to a winning formula.
We, too, in everyday life, benefit from working productively and harmoniously within a team structure, whether that be within a family, in a workplace or school. Is there anyone who has not experienced the difference between working in an environment in which everyone works together for the good of all and one in which it’s every person for him or herself?
Here at Emmanuel we frequently talk about the fact that our school operates as teams within teams, varying in size and intent, but all under the umbrella of one large Emmanuel team. And parents, you are a tremendously important part of that whole school team. Each one of us either contributes to, or detracts from, achievement of the school vision which is ‘to be an inclusive, high quality learning community where faith inspires action.’ That vision may sound lofty but in fact it is achieved in the small and seemingly insignificant actions that are chosen by each of us every day. The same questions can be asked, ‘Am I in it for me (and mine)?’ Or, ‘Am I in it for us and what we can accomplish together?’
Perhaps some people think that there is only so much care they have to give, so much respect they have to extend, only so much courtesy to go round, only so much time to give and so they see the need to conserve and be selective in their giving for fear that there will not be enough for those closest to them. In fact, the more these are freely given to others, the more is returned and the well never runs dry, but rather continues to fill.
Basically, this school becomes more and more effective in its learning and teaching and in its growth as a Christian community, as we move closer and closer towards caring for the good of all and seeing the value in supporting, encouraging, challenging, including, contributing, welcoming and cooperating. Once again, this does not necessitate grand gestures or impossible contributions; so much good is achieved through simple kindnesses and expressions of gratitude, offering a helping hand, meeting commitments, a word or gesture of support and choosing to focus more on what is good, true and beautiful in life in spite of difficulties being faced.
Wishing you every blessing for the coming week,
Geraldine Rostirolla
Emmanuel Catholic Primary School is very excited to introduce a new initiative to help support the wellbeing of our students. After all, happy and well supported students are better equipped to learn and succeed.
We know that it can be difficult and time consuming for parents to source credible information when it comes to ongoing wellbeing support strategies for their children. To aid with this we have partnered with SchoolTV, an online resource designed to empower parents to better deal with the challenges for raising happy, well and resilient young people.
Because parenting doesn't come with instructions, the SchoolTV resource has now been implemented at our school to assist parents and caregivers in navigating the challenges of modern-day parenting. This outstanding resource delivers credible information with practical strategies featuring video interviews with leading specialists, supported by a host of resources from key wellbeing organisations.
SchoolTV offers parents a fresh approach to the issues and pressures faced by children and young people in our communities throughout Australia.
Some topics featured include:
- Youth Anxiety
- Raising Girls
- School Refusal
- Positive Parenting
- Digital Reputation
- Managing Screen Time
- Cyberbullying
We encourage you to visit our SchoolTV site and view the content but more importantly use this resource if and when needed to support your child and family through particular needs as they may arise. At a time when the wellbeing of our youth has never been more challenged, we are pleased to be able to offer this accessible, credible and empowering resource to our families.
Many thanks again to the support provided by Catholic Education Rockhampton Northern Region to get this up and running across all schools in the region.
RE Matters
The famous philosopher Socrates was visited by one of his acquaintances. Eager to share some juicy gossip, the man asked Socrates would he like to know the story he just heard about a friend of theirs. Socrates replied that before the man spoke, he needed to pass the “Triple Filter Test”.
“Have you made absolutely sure that what you were about to say is true?”
The man shook his head. “No, I actually just heard about it, and…”
Socrates cut him off.
“Is what you want to say something good or kind?”
Again, the man shook his head. “No! Actually. Just the opposite. You see…”
Socrates lifted his hand to stop the man speaking.
“Is this information useful or necessary to me?”
A little defeated, the man replied, “No, not really.”
“Well, then,” Socrates said, turning on his heel. “If what you want to say is neither true, nor good or kind, nor useful or necessary, please don’t say anything at all.”
Our annual Bishop’s Inservice Day will be held on Friday 17 February. This is a PUPIL FREE DAY and all staff will be attending. The school office will be closed.
This year’s theme is Evangelisation and Faith Formation. The speakers will include Bishop Michael McCarthy and Diocesan Director of Catholic Education, Miss Leesa Jeffcoat. Staff will participate in a variety of workshops.
It is always a great day for personal faith development and all staff appreciate this opportunity to focus their attention and learn something new.
Each year we come together to acknowledge, commission and congratulate our School Captains, House Captains, Student Representatives and Year Six students. This prayer celebration will take place in the Marist Centre tomorrow, Friday 10 February at 8:50am. All families and friends of our school community are invited to attend.
For weekly Gospel readings, reflections and meditations go to
Download this week’s parish bulletin @
For Parish News, updates and to book for weekend Masses go to the Catholic Parishes of North Mackay and Farleigh Facebook page.
Noeleen Kliese
Assistant Principal Religious Education
Our anniversary has inspired a new Emmanuel themed newsletter item, which will allow us to share our story and describe our identity. Be sure to look for it each week. It will be a great way for us to recall our history and celebrate belonging to this wonderful school community.
Curriculum Corner
It is wonderful to have the opportunity to conduct face to face Parent Information nights once again this year. I would like to strongly encourage you to attend these short sessions to learn about the year ahead in your child’s classroom; daily routines; whole school expectations and begin the relationship building with this year’s teacher which is the cornerstone to a successful year at school for your child.
“It is parents, families and carers who have the most influence on their children. When families are actively involved in their children’s education, children usually enjoy school and achieve better results.” (Australian Curriculum, Version 8.3, website)
It is for this reason that the Australian Curriculum website offers extensive information for parents. The Parent Information section of the website provides information for families and carers about their children and the Australian Curriculum. The following information is included: an Overview of the Australian Curriculum; Information Sheets; Handy Links; FAQ’s; Student Work Samples.
A copy of the Australian Curriculum Year Level Overview will be handed out at Parent Nights or during the day of the coming fortnight.
The information sheets provide an overview of the knowledge and skills children will develop in particular year levels. Below is an explanation of Mathematics across Years 1 and 2.
The Student Work Samples then provide illustrations of what the student might create within the classroom. This is a Student Work Sample for Year 1, illustrating a Math’s fluency skill of skip counting in 5’s.
For further information click on the following link:
We look forward to seeing you all at the Parent Information Nights.
APA News
Parents are strongly encouraged to maintain close contact with their child’s teacher. It is most beneficial to all parties if this can occur. Teachers are available for informal chats before and after school, however, teachers all have playground duties before and after school along with staff meetings, year level meetings, various committee meetings and sports training responsibilities. Teachers often use time before school to prepare, hear reading or help with homework. Catching them on the hop is not ideal, and all teachers would prefer parents to write a note or email, to ask for some time, even if it is only a few minutes just to make sure they are available and to give the issue the appropriate amount of attention required.
Each class is required to have a parent act as “Class Co-ordinator” for the Year. This position can be shared among several parents to support each other in the role. The role of the Class Co-ordinator is to:-
- Welcome new families to the Class by making contact with them within 1 week of arriving at Emmanuel. Contact details are provided by the School Administration.
- Organising and inviting parents of children in class to a social function once per term/semester.
- Co-ordinating support for families in need.
Please be advised that our Instrumental Music contractor, Musicorp, has temporarily paused their service at Emmanuel while they find a suitable music teacher. Once a replacement has been found, they will recommence student lessons.
Students who are ill are sent to the office by a teacher. We find that children who become ill at school find it quite distressing and don’t want to be here. We are not equipped to deal with sick children for any length of time. It is very important that a parent is always able to be contacted for decisions regarding sick children.
Children with contagious illnesses should not attend school and we are guided by Education Queensland guidelines. In cases of head lice or impetigo (school sores) parents are contacted and students isolated until taken home.
It is sometimes essential to contact parents urgently for a variety of reasons, but particularly in case of illness or accident. It is distressing to staff and the student concerned when we are unable to access anyone. It is most important that the information we have on record as home and current work numbers is accurate. It is also very important to have a back-up emergency contact who knows where to find you or who can take some responsibility for the situation. If your work or home phone numbers change please let the office know immediately. It is also helpful to let your children know where you might be during the day, especially if they are sent off to school not feeling 100%.
Amanda McDonald
Assistant Principal Administration
Traffic Information
Please note that parents must not queue from the beginning of the Stop, Drop, Go driveway though to the Keep Clear area (pictured below), so as to allow Kindy parents access to the Kindy carpark. Kindy pick-up occurs between 2.30 – 3.00pm, and it is imperative that the entrance to the Stop, Drop, Go remains clear so as to allow vehicles to enter this designated space.
Strategic Priorities 2023
COVID Update
Sporting News
In 2023, there are a large number of sports students will be able to nominate for and compete in. Please discuss the following list of events with your child. It will be crucial students collect and return permission notes before closing dates to ensure they do not miss out on their opportunity. Students will be notified via the morning bulletin when notes become available for collection. These notes will be available from me each day during lunch eating periods.
Once again, this year, students are offered the opportunity to prepare and qualify for the Emmanuel Cross Country Team. Qualifying students will compete in the Northern Suburbs Cross Country competition on Tuesday 28 March. Upon completing our school trials, I will provide further information regarding Northern Suburbs to qualifying athletes. Emmanuel's trial will take place on Friday 24 March.
Term One also offers students the opportunity to participate in a Wednesday Afternoon Touch Football competition held at the Norris Road touch football fields. The competition is an opportunity for students to play against other schools in the region alongside their peers. Games commence Wednesday 15 February and conclude Wednesday 29 March. Notes were distributed this Friday, nominations close Monday 13 February.
If you would like any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me on my school email:
Luke Dodson
HPE Co-Ordinator
From our Counsellor
Hello and thank you for your warm welcome as school counsellor. I’ve settled into the new counselling office in the Resource Centre and have been busy meeting students and their dedicated teachers. With 13 years teaching experience across Queensland, and my recently attained Masters of School Guidance and Counselling, I am thrilled to be a member of the Emmanuel team.
If I had to choose three words to describe Emmanuel school, they would be, FAITH, TEAMWORK and KINDNESS. These are valuable strengths to find in any school community. Do you have a strength to aspire to? Perhaps a ‘word for the year’? My word for 2023 is RESILIENCE; facing life’s challenges with patience and courage. If you haven’t had a chance to click on the link to School TV yet, then I highly recommend the quality resources you will find there. For example, 10 Tips for Raising Resilient Kids by expert clinical psychologist, Margarita Tartakovsky, M.S. While you are there take the Resilience Poll and share your opinion on how to build resilience in young people.
Sharon Martin BVA, GDLT, MEd
School Counsellor
Tuckshop News
Please Note: It is imperative that volunteers DO NOT attend tuckshop if they are unwell or have anyone at home who is unwell.
There are still a number of deposits ($220) for the Year 4 students that are outstanding. These deposits were due on the 6 February. Please note that deposits are NOT charged with the school fees and are required to be paid separately as per the correspondence that went home last year with the Hire Agreement Form. Can you please contact the Finance Office to arrange payment of the Deposit immediately.
Term 1 School Fee Statements were emailed out on Tuesday 7 February and are due on the 21 February. You can also view your statements by logging into your Parent Lounge account. If you have not received your account, please contact the Finance Office immediately.
Do you hold a current means tested Health Care Card? If so you may be eligible to receive a concession on your Tuition Levy. Please click on the link for the information sheet regarding Concession Card Discounts.
Community News